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    Priceless Love By Queen Shah Most Romantic New Novel

    Priceless Love By Queen Shah Most Romantic New Novel
    Priceless Love By Queen Shah Most Romantic New Novel

    Hello everyone, from our dear readers, here we bring you the most romantic funny novel, which by the way, you will not get for free anywhere, written by our dear Koen Shah, who is a very sweet writer and also wins people's hearts. You also know that his two novels have done wonders. If you want to read this novel in Urdu, contact us on WhatsApp 03003163553 and we will tell you the details.

    How is the story of this novel?

    A girl whose strange fear will make her make a big mistake is a very rich prince with whom this girl's conflict will lead to marriage, but this marriage is against the girl's will, then the prince will take revenge from her now. What is this most romantic novel, you can read it yourself

    The characters of this novel

    Prince Henry

    An extremely rich man who is the Prince of London, but such an arrogant man married a very ordinary girl, that too because of stubbornness.


    A headstrong girl who hates classy people but an unconscious fear keeps her away from boys, but a fight with Prince Henry forces her into marriage.

    This Novel Sneak peak

    Turning back, he came closer to Kelly again, sitting next to her on the bed, he gently held her hands, pressed them to his lips, closed his eyes, she was still mumbling softly in her unconsciousness. What Henry did not listen to anyone.

    I don't know what to do, I don't know what is it about you that has affected the Prince Henry of this country. you

    See thousands of girls who used to offer themselves to me then, why didn't I approach them, why didn't this happen to you, maybe it was God's plan, you meet me, I will be your suitor and then get rid of the pain you are suffering. you

    Forgive me, Kelly, what I'm doing now, I know you'll hate me, you'll be angry, but I'm sure you'll forgive me, understand my compulsion, appreciate my love, and even if you don't accept it. I will save you, I will create my love in your heart, you are mine and you will always be mine, you have to stay with me.

    He was kissing Kelly's cold hands over and over as he spoke, he didn't know why he had trusted Jenny's words, maybe he thought it was right, just like Kelly's fear would end when once all those feelings How would he be afraid if he felt it?

    Priceless Love By Queen Shah Most Romantic New Novel

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